Thursday 20 October 2016

The Nintendo Switch

I’m excited for the Nintendo Switch. The newly renamed NX is weird, intriguing, genuinely new and wholly Nintendo. Unlike the Xbox Scorpio and PS4 Pro, which mostly just take the console concept we’re already comfortable with and push the graphics a bit further, it’s a genuine attempt to do something new with the concept of a video game console, something that we haven’t seen since the original Wii. That doesn’t mean I’m not worried, however. The initial reveal trailer really raised more questions than it had answers: it showed off a design we all had a general idea about, but there is some very important information not there yet. So while I’m rooting for this thing 100%, I can’t help but have my concerns.

Power And Third-Party Support
We know that the Nintendo Switch is going to get Skyrim — the reveal trailer made that clear. And we’ve got a nice big list of other developers working with the platform. But third-party support was a weakness for both the Wii U and the Wii, and Nintendo is still not in a place where it can support itself with its own development. I somehow doubt we’re going to be able to play all the biggest new AAA games on the road, but we do need to have enough to make this a well-fleshed ecosystem. Power is a related concern: developers will only port games if the system can handle it.
Nintendo is the only manufacturer that can somewhat get by without third-party support: for many people, this is going to be a way to get the kids playing Mario Kart in the backseat, and for that, it hardly matters if we can also play The Witcher 3. For that audience, this isn’t really a problem. But the lure of games like Skyrim is strong, and it will be a big problem if we don’t see enthusiastic third-party support. Luckily, this thing will launch with The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and many will buy it just for that.
Battery Life
A big one. It would appear to be a pretty powerful machine for the size, and that doesn’t come cheap power-wise. So we’re going to need a machine that gives us 5+ hours of playtime — if we’re short of that, we’re going to have a problem.
The Switch is designed to play full console games, which are not small. Storage space is already at a premium for full living room consoles like the Xbox One and PS4, and one wonders how much we can squeeze into a portable device. In order to be viable, it’s going to need to comfortably store at least five or so games, and ideally more. I’m guessing Nintendo is going to push this as a system oriented around digital downloads with cartridges as a necessary backup, and we need solid storage to make that ecosystem work. Of course, Nintendo could always just sell a boutique external storage card for a ridiculous amount of money. That always works well.
Do We Actually Need The Main Feature?
The idea of full console-style games on the go is not new. In principle, it sounds like a great idea: we love these games at home, we’d love them just as much out in the world. But when I’ve tried doing this sort of thing before, I find that I do most of my playing in the living room anyway. I could see the Switch’s ability to go portable as a major boon for train commuters, and I imagine that will contribute to its success in its native Japan. But the idea of cool millennials with beanies playingMario Kart in all sorts of cool locations seems like more of a nice image than something that I actually expect to happen. It’s the sort of concept which is really good for getting people excited but doesn’t always translate into actual sales. That’s why I ultimately stopped using my Vita. Outside of plane flights, I just never found a situation where I needed it that much.
Moving Parts
Fair warning, this one is pretty vague, but it’s also the biggest one here. There is a lot going on with the Switch. There is a controller that needs to be comfortable in multiple configurations. It will need to have an operating system, which Nintendo doesn’t always do a stellar job on. There is a dock, there are multiple pieces that snap together. It’s the sort of thing we won’t know about until we can get our hands on the thing, but it all has to work, and a device designed to serve multiple purposes has multiple opportunities for failure. I am in no way saying that this is going to happen, just that we’ve all been burned before. It’s an ambitious design, and it’s got to work perfectly to be worth it.
It all only matters if the price is right. If the Switch comes in above $299, we’re going to have some big problems on our hands.
An Wntrepreneur, SEO, SMO, Digital Marketing Expert, Aspiring Photographer, Blogger, Traveller, Blogger Form last Two Years.

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